#Shatter me age rating full
Warner wants to feel the full effects of Juliette's power, but she refuses to touch or hurt him, so he forces her to torture a soldier named Jenkins and a small child through a simulated torture room. Warner, who is also the son of the Reestablishment's Supreme Commander, makes Juliette an offer that includes her being able to get out of the asylum in turn for her torturing any prisoners with her touch as a weapon for the Reestablishment. It is revealed that Adam is a soldier for Aaron Warner, the leader of Sector 45 of the Reestablishment. One day, the Reestablishment, a government that has the world within its grasp, comes for Juliette. At some point, Juliette wakes up to find Adam has touched her, and she becomes confused. She shows Adam the ways of the asylum, such as not to eat the scalding food immediately, and when the asylum's occupants are allowed to shower. He reminds Juliette of someone, but she convinces herself that it is not possible that she ever knew him. Suddenly, for the first time ever, Juliette gets a cellmate who goes by the name of Adam Kent. She repeatedly dreams of a bird and writes in a small notebook. It is evident that Juliette is partly insane, both from prolonged isolation and at horror at herself. Juliette is in an asylum because three years prior, she killed a small boy in a store with her unusual touch. Juliette Ferrars is a 17-year-old girl whose touch paralyzes and kills, taking living organisms' energy.